Light Box

Useless items make the most interesting
and beautiful things.
You just have to see them as such.


Materials: An empty shoebox. A flashlight. A handful of now useless CDs. A magnifying glass. And a camera. (A dark room or nighttime required).

Objective: Make art.

Step 1: Cut a hole in shoebox. Attach magnifying glass lens.

Step 2: Place flashlight in the box; turn it on. Place CDs around the light source.

Step 3: Turn off surrounding room lights if necessary. Observe. Take pictures.

Result: Tell people you’ve experienced the whole observable universe and/or that you’ve recreated the universe at a single point in space using only the materials listed above.

Future studies include taking this experiment to a large scale model, maybe like Carnegie Hall or Rice University’s new opera house.

“Cats in a Vacuum.” Digital photograph. August 2020.


Mid August Storms


Hwy 2